
20 November 2007

Chicken in Milk - For 1

I find it really hard to cook for just two people. We always seem to have an endless supply of leftovers in our fridge. P is back home in Perth at the moment. After 3 days of eating noodles (the instant type with my own toppings), I decided to turn one of the recipes I've made plenty of times before into a recipe for one.

Dinner for One - Chicken in Milk.
recipe adapted from Jamie Oliver's TV show ~ 'Oliver's Twist'
  • 1x Merryland Chicken Thigh Piece
  • rind from 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of whole dry sage (fresh if you have any)
  • 3 whole cloves of garlic (smashed)
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme (again..fresh if you have any)
  • 1/2 a stick of cinnamon
  • 1 cup of milk (full cream works preferred)
  • butter & olive oil
  • salt & pepper
Season the chicken with salt & pepper.

Using a small saucepan (one that the chicken thigh can just nicely fit into), melt the butter in the olive oil. Add garlic then chicken and brown on both sides. About 2 mins each.

Into the saucepan add in the milk, herbs and the cinnamon stick.

Bring the milk to a boil. Cover and continue to simmer on medium-low heat for about 35 mins. Until the chicken is cooked (ie. juices run clear) and the milk has started turning into little pre-cheese curdles.

17 May 2007

Steak with Bernaise Sauce

By the time I managed to grab the camera, P had nearly devoured about a 1/4 of his steak.

Notes on How to cook the perfect steak:
  • Fresh meat from the butcher. Do not freeze it. I'm not sure about you, but the steaks I've cooked even if defrosted 1 day ago from the freezer just never tastes the same.
  • Try to get a good thick cut. (I usually go for the Rib Eye or New York Cut).
  • Prepare the steak by rubbing it with some olive oil and season with Salt and Pepper.
  • Steaks should be at room temperate before cooking
  • Heat up a heavy based pan on medium high heat. (I use a Cast Iron grillpan).
  • Try to turn steaks only once. For a medium-rare steak cook for 3 mins on each side.
  • Once you remove it from the pan, set on a rack and place in a pre-heated warm oven (about 120C), and let the steak rest for about 4-5 minutes.

Bernaise sauce

  • 3 Tbl Sp of White Wine
  • 2 Tbl Sp of White Wine Vinegar
  • 3 Egg Yokes
  • 3 Tbl Sp of Melted butter
  • A Squeeze of Lemon juice
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Tarragon or Shallots (finely chopped - if you have it)

Bring the White Wine and Vinegar to a simmer in a saucepan. Simmer until it reduces to about 1/2 the amount. Let it cool slightly. Whisk in Egg yokes. While its blending, add in melted butter and the mixture should start to increase in volume. Add Tarragone or shallots (if using) and season with Salt & Pepper. Taste the sauce and if required, add in some lemon juice.

Serve at room temperature with Steak.

10 May 2007

Chocolate Souffle

I think the hardest thing about posting about making souffle is not about the egg whites. Its about getting my camera ready to snap a reasonably postable photo before the souffle deflates..!!

You can see from my picture below, that I once again didn't think ahead. ie. plate setting, background and having my camera at arm's length. I only just managed to snap away at a couple of shots (which only 1 turned out to be properly focused) before the souffle started to deflate.

Here's my favorite recipe (serves 4)...

  • 3 tablespoon Unsalted Butter
  • 5 tablespoon Sugar (plus a bit more for dusting)
  • 1 teaspoon. Cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1/2 cup Dark Chocolate (70% coco, chopped)
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 7 Egg Whites (room temp)
  • Icing Sugar \ Coco powder (for dusting)

Butter the 4 souffle dishes. Now sprinkel sugar to coat the souffle dish. Tap out any excess sugar. This step ensures that the souffles will rise properly. Place disk in the fridge to chill until required.

In a heavy pan, slowly add milk to cornstarch, stirring constantly until smooth. Keep stirring and bring to a boil. Continue to stir for another 5 mins. Turn down the heat to low. Stir in chocolate, 2 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons sugar. Stir until melted. Remove from heat. Stir in egg yolks one at a time. (This may be kept refrigerated up to two days in advance).

Whisk egg whites until it starts to foam. Add in 2 tablespoons sugar, and continue to beat to soft peaks. (Do not over beat your egg whites!).

Stir 1/4 of the whites into the chocolate base to lighten it, then using a spatula, gently fold the lightened base into the egg whites.

Pour into the prepared souffle dishes. Tap the souffle dish a couple of times on a flat surface to distribute the mixture evenly.

Place the souffle on a baking tray in the lower half of a preheated 180C degree oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Serve the souffle straight from the oven. Sprinkle with icing sugar or cocoa powder.

Now I just have to find a receipe for all the leftover egg yokes... I'm thinking either custard.. or bernaise sauce to go with the steak tomorrow night.. :)