
28 April 2008

Oysters Kilpatrick & Mornay

These are definitely one of my favorites to cook up when I have Oysters available, and have already gobbled down too many raw ones.

For Oysters Kilpatrick:
  • 4 Pieces of Bacon (sliced and chopped up finely)
  • 1 Tbl sp of Butter
  • 6 Tbl sp of Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Tbl sp of HP Sauce
  • 1 Tbl sp of Tabasco Sauce
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
Melt butter in saucepan, add in Worcestershire, HP & Tabasco sauce. Once sauces are combined add salt & pepper to taste. Sprinkle bacon over oyster and spoon sauce over the bacon. Place under hot grill, and leave until bacon starts going crisp. Usually about 3-4 minutes.

For Oysters Mornay:
  • 1 Cup of Milk
  • 2 Tbl sp of Butter
  • 2 Tbl sp of plain flour
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp French Mustard
  • 1/2 Cup of grated tasty cheese
  • Cayenne Pepper
Make a roux by melting butter in a saucepan then slowly adding flour, then milk until a white sauce forms. Add mustard then cheese, salt & pepper to taste. Add cheese sauce to oysters, sprinkle with Cayenne pepper and extra cheese. Place under hot grill for about 3-4 min, until cheese topping starts to brown slighly.