
09 December 2009

Steamed Sea Urchin Egg Custard

This creation is probably a by-product from watching too many episodes of Iron Chef (Japanese version). I picked up a packet of Uni - Sea Urchin at the Sydney Fish Market for $11.50. I used about 1/4 of the packet for the mix sashimi platter that we devoured during the day. And for the remainder, I turned it into a Steamed Sea Urchin Egg Custard, that I had vaguely remember seeing one of the Iron Chefs do. Straining the Uni through a fine sieve and then incorporating it into an steamed egg like custard. This recipe is based off my chinese steamed egg dessert. The only difference is that I added uni, omitted the sugar, used a dashi broth base, added mirin, light soy and used cream instead of milk.

I have had something similar in Japan before, but that was with a whole sea urchin that was steamed with some sort of cream custard. The result was something that was surprisingly light and delicate with the sweet taste of uni.

Steamed Sea Urchin Egg Custard
Serves 2

  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup Dashi broth (1 tablespoon of dashi granules with 1/3 cup of hot water)
  • 1 tablespoon of full cream
  • 1/2 pack of sea urchin (strained through a sieve, reserve a couple for decoration).
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Mirin
  • teaspoon of light soy sauce
  1. In a bowl, beat the egg and combine with the dashi broth and cream. Add the Mirin then the teaspoon of light soy.
  2. Strain the sea urchin through a fine sieve placed on top of the bowl. Discard any stringy parts.
  3. Pass the egg and sea urchin mixture through the fine sieve again.
  4. Bring a wok with some water to boil to be used as a steamer. Place a plate on top of the steaming rack.
  5. Divide the egg and sea urchin mixture between two ramekins.
  6. Remove any foam that may have formed around the rims.
  7. Once the water starts to boil, move the wok to the smallest stove top and keep the heat on the lowest setting.
  8. Cover the ramekins with some glad wrap. Place on top of the plate and steam for about 25 minutes or until the egg custard wobbles when you move the ramekin.
  9. Uncover the glad wrap, and place a couple of the reserved whole sea urchin roe on top of the egg custard.
  10. Cover, turn the heat off and let the ramekins rest for about 3 mins.
  11. Serve immediately.

uni1 (Large)

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