
20 March 2010

Coconut Milk & Sago Agar Agar Jelly

Later today, I'll be heading over for a Hot Pot session at S & P's place. Yes... I have mad friends that have Hot Pots on 29C days. Although I'm probably equally as insane as I told them I'll be there too and will bring something for dessert. S's specialty is a Taiwanese Style hot pot that is not only hot in temperature, but also super hot in Chilli spice levels. So hot that your mouth actually goes numb. I'm not sure what she uses, as it is apparently a family recipe. All I know is that she starts cooking the soup base from scratch the night before.

As I promised to bring something for dessert, all I could think of was something that was a bit more cooling. I also wanted to make something that would be able to use up the remainders of an open carton of coconut milk I had leftover from the Otak Otak. I was thinking of Coconut milk and Sago, but since I had to transport it to my friend's place, I preferred something that wasn't in a liquid form. After a quick search online, I stumbled upon this recipe at My Kitchen Snippets. And decided to go with something similar.

I didn't have any food colouring, so used a couple of drops of Pandan essence instead.

Coconut Milk & Sago Agar Agar Jelly
Recipe adapted from My Kitchen Snippets

Transparent Layer:
  • 1 tablespoon Agar Agar powder
  • 600ml water
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 Pandan Leaf (tied into a knot, or a couple drops of Pandan essence)
Coconut Milk Layer:
  • 1 tablespoon Agar Agar powder
  • 500ml thin coconut milk
  • 100ml water
  • 1 Pandan Leaf (tied into a knot, or a couple drops of Pandan essence)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
For the Sago:
  • 2/3 cup Sago pearls
  • 3 cups of water
  1. In a saucepan, bring the 3 cups of water to boil. Add in the sago pearls and boil uncovered for about 10 mins. After 10 mins, cover the saucepan with a lid and turn off the heat and let sit for another 10-15 mins, until the sago has gone transparent. Pour the contents out into a sieve and rinse under cold water. Divide sago into 2 portions.
  2. Make the Coconut layer by boiling together the agar-agar powder with water, pandan leaves or essence. Make sure there are no lumps before adding in the sugar and coconut milk. Bring to boil and then turn the heat back down to a very low flame.
  3. Make the Transparent layer by boiling together the agar agar powder, water, sugar and pandan leaves or essence. Once the mixture has reach the boiling point, turn the heat down to the lowest setting.
  4. Add one portion of the sago into each of the mixtures and stir well.
  5. Pour in 1/2 of the transparent layer (make there is sago) in to a 8" wet baking dish or mold. Place the dish in to the fridge for about 5 mins to let it set
  6. Remove from the fridge, gently scratch the surface with a fork.
  7. Take another 1/2 of the coconut mixture and pour on top of the transparent layer, return to the fridge for another 4 mins to let it set.
  8. Continue the same process, gently scratching the surface with a fork before pouring on the remaining transparent layer and repeat the process with the remaining coconut layer.
  9. Chill in the fridge for a couple of hours before slicing. Serve cold.

Taste Test: Leftover bits of the Transparent layer that was just enough for 1 cupcake mold.

  • Agar Agar powder and strips are commonly found in Asian grocery stores. You can substitute with Gelatine instead and follow the instructions on the back of the packet.
  • To help unmold the jelly, place it on top of a hot towel for about 30 secs then tip it upside down onto a plate.


  1. why is there a need to scratch the surface of the jelly with a fork?

  2. Hi Carol..... lightly scratching the surface of the jelly creates more 'groves' so the next layer sticks to it more. For some reason when i just pour layer on top of layer, when it comes to cutting it, the layers can easily come apart.

    the step is completely optional though... :) its just a tip i found useful with keeping the layers together.
