
26 October 2009

Black Sesame Ice Cream

I had some leftover Black Sesame Soup from the Chinese dessert I made the day before. I was thinking about Black Sesame Ice cream, but I wanted to try making an egg-less ice cream instead. ie. An ice cream that wasn't custard base. So that it wouldn't overpower the taste of black sesame.

This recipe I stumbled across from David Lebovitz's website is a gelato type of ice cream. The recipe does not call for any egg yokes, instead you use cornflour and milk to create the base.

The resulting ice cream was more delicate and really brought out the nutty flavors of the Black Sesame.

Black Sesame Gelato
Recipe adapted from David Lebovitz's Pistachio Gelato

Makes about 3 cups (3/4 liter)
  • 2 cups whole full cream milk
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 200ml black sesame soup paste (see recipe for black sesame soup dessert)
  • few drops of lemon juice
  1. Make a slurry by mixing the 1/4 cup of the milk with the cornflour, mixing until the starch is dissolved and the mixture is smooth.
  2. Heat the rest of the milk in a medium-sized saucepan with the sugar.
  3. When it almost starts to boil, stir in the cornstarch mixture and cook at gentle simmer for 3 minutes, stirring and whisking constantly. Make sure there are no lumps left over from the cornflour
  4. Remove from heat, scrape into a bowl, and chill thoroughly, preferably overnight.
  5. Once chilled, blend in the black sesame paste and just a few drops of lemon juice until smooth.
  6. Freeze the gelato in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Churn Snowy Churn.. !! :p

  • Optional Extra: Try serving with a teaspoon of Japanese sweet red bean paste on the top of the icecream. With the icecream resting on a layer of cornflakes below.

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