
29 August 2010


At the moment, I'm still kind of waiting for my renovations to complete, so its a bit hard to get back to my regular cooking routine. So when my friends asked me to bring something along for a weekend BBQ get together, the only thing I could commit to was a salad. I immediately thought of making a coleslaw. For me, coleslaws are a must-have item with BBQ meats. The tanginess of the coleslaw gives a nice break to all the meat being consumed. :)

I prefer a coleslaw that doesn't have too much mayo used. So this time, instead of using mayonnaise, I substituted it with a Greek style yogurt. I still added in the Dijon mustard and some whole grain mustard for some extra tang.
Coleslaws are quite flexible with what ingredients you add in. When I was searching online for a base recipe to refer back to, I found Ina Garten's Blue Cheese Coleslaw. If I had some blue cheese, I would have added it in, but I didn't have time to go out and buy some before going over to my friend's place for the BBQ. The next time I feel like making coleslaw again, I would definitely give the Blue Cheese Coleslaw recipe a go.

preparation time: 30 mins


  • 1/2 small head green cabbage (sliced using food processor or mandolin)
  • 1/2 medium-sized head purple cabbage (sliced using food processor or mandolin)
  • 2 large carrots (peeled, then shredded using a food processor or grater)
  • 200g Greek Style Yogurt
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons whole grain mustard
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon celery salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves (roughly chopped)


  1. Process the cabbages and carrots through the thinnest settings of your food processor. If you don't own a food processor, you can use a mandolin or grater.
  2. Place sliced cabbage and carrots in a large salad bowl and add in the yogurt.
  3. Then add in the Dijon mustard, whole grain mustard, cider vinegar and toss to mix well.
  4. Season with a teaspoon of celery salt, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  5. Add the parsley leaves, toss the coleslaw until the mixture is even. Taste and adjust seasoning if required.
  6. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.


  1. I've only ever made KFC style coleslaw before =) But then again I haven't had many coleslaws in my life.......I guess I'll have to venture out and try some different ones because yours look so yummy!!

  2. mademoiselle délicieuseFriday, September 03, 2010 7:31:00 pm

    I love the simple crunch of a good slaw with a tangy dressing but am afraid I'm not a big fan of blue cheese =(

    Great to see posts popping up from you! Best of luck with the remaining renovations =)

  3. I'm not generally a fan of coleslaw, given how they are often just seemingly a bucket of mayo with a little veg thrown in for colour (!) but this looks super fresh and tasty and I like the use of yoghurt instead. Really love the idea of adding blue cheese, I wouldn't have thought of it myself!

  4. oh yummy this looks SO GOOD! :O) thanks for sharing!
