
06 August 2010

Steamed Garlic Prawns (with Coriander)

Just realised I've been neglecting my blog a bit. Its nearly been two months since my last posting. I do have a good excuse though.. I've finally purchased my own apartment !!! Woot !

After sorting out the home loan, I've been running around trying to sort out the renovation work. Getting quotes from builders, and choosing everything from toilet, tiles to taps. So needless to say, I haven't been able to do much cooking.

I love my garlic prawns. I've had similar dishes to this at Chinese restaurants before, but I've only seen it cooked with garlic only and maybe some spring onions thrown over the top as garnish. Although I would agree you can never have too much garlic in a dish, I like to mix in some coriander to lighten it up a bit and add some extra freshness into the dish. The key with cooking this dish is to steam the prawns over simmering water for no more than 3 minutes. And to use hot oil to "pre-cook" the coriander and garlic mixture.

Steamed Garlic Prawn (with Coriander)

  • 1 Dozen Fresh King Prawns (vein removed, using scissors open the prawns up flat)
  • 1/2 bulb garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 bunch fresh coriander (stem & leaves, finely chopped)
  • 4 tablespoons of Grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  1. Using a pair of scissors, cut through the shells and open up the prawns until they can lie down flat and remove the vein. Give the prawns a quick wash in some icy cold water and then leave in a colander.
  2. Prepare the garlic and coriander mix, and add in the 1/2 teaspoon of salt. And set aside in a ceramic, glass or heat proof bowl.
  3. Bring a wok with some water for steaming to boil.
  4. Using a separate saucepan, heat up 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil until the pan starts to smoke.
  5. Pour the hot oil into the garlic and coriander mix. Work slowly and pour a bit at a time into the bowl. The garlic and coriander should be cooked by the hot oil.
  6. Lay out the prawns on a plate, and smear a spoonful of the garlic and coriander mix into each prawn's exposed flesh
  7. Place a rack into the wok
  8. Place plate over the rack, cover and let steam for about 2-3 mins (depending on the size of the prawns used). My prawns were about my hand's length long and I steamed them for just under 3 mins.
  9. Once done, remove the plate from the wok and set aside.
  10. Heat up the remaining 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and lightly drizzle the hot oil over each prawns.
  11. Serve immediately with some steam rice.

Enjoy.. :)


  1. mademoiselle délicieuseSunday, August 08, 2010 6:09:00 pm

    Welcome back! I've missed reading your posts but congrats on the new place =D

  2. Oh my. I love garlic and I love prawns. In fact, the combination of garlic and prawns are one of the most heavenly things for me. The only thing is I would have doused the whole thing in butter too.

  3. Hi Mademoiselle.. thank you :) i've still got a lot to do though b4 i can move in.. right now the builders have demolished everything. I've got a design for the bathroom, but still trying to come up with something i like for the kitchen.. the place has electricity only, so i will have to go induction .. any suggestions with what cooktop to buy ?

  4. Hi Amy... thats a great idea ! will have to try substituting the oil with butter the next time i make this.. :)

  5. OMG....i miss having this so much....
    Hubby is on a work trip this week and I can cook all the seafood I want!
    Maybe I'll cook this sometime this week...*hugs* *love ya*

  6. Hi Mon !!!

    dun tell me.. sick of chicken already ?! :P

  7. mademoiselle délicieuseFriday, September 03, 2010 7:32:00 pm

    I live in an apartment so the fixtures are all pre-installed so no say on our part on brands, styles, etc. We have a Miele gas cooktop that is a breeze to clean and I definitely enjoy the gas cooking from the (old, old) electric stove at my mum's!
